However, fishing hooks are usually measured by a number. Since there are different types of hooks and brands, there is no one standard size. Because of this, it helps to know what type of fish you want to catch so you can determine the appropriate size. But if it’s too big, the fish may end up getting the bait but escaping the hook. If it’s too small, the fish could accidentally swallow it. One of the most important aspects of a fishing hook is its size. Weedless hook: These are designed to keep weeds and algae from getting tangled up in them while fishing.Siwash hook: With a straight eye and long shank, these work best with spinnerbaits and other single-hook baits.Aberdeen hook: Lightweight with a squared round bend, this wide hook is ideal for those who use live bait, such as minnows, because it doesn’t puncture them as much as other hooks.They are best for catching bigger fish as opposed to those who want to catch and release their fish. Treble hook: These are the combination of three jig hooks put together on one hook eye in a triangular formation.It usually catches onto the side of the fish’s mouth, making it ideal for catch and release fishing. Circle hook: This hook has a point that’s positioned toward the shank and is designed to prevent fish from swallowing it.They’re best for fishing from a slow-moving boat, but they can be easily swallowed by fish. Jig hook: These are shaped like the letter “J” and are a more traditional style.The downside is that the barb can injure the fish, making this a poor choice for catch-and-release fishing. Baitholder hook: These hooks are designed to keep both live and dead bait on the barb.Just as there is more than one type of fishing rod, there are also several types of hooks. It’s designed to prevent the hook from leaving the mouth of a fish. Barb: Some hooks have a sharp barb located just after the point.Other common options are the needlepoint, which is slightly curved at the top, and the rolled-in-point, which is ideal for catching stronger fish that thrash about. One of the most common points is the spear point, which can handle most types of fishing and causes minimal harm to the fish. Some designs have one point, while others have multiple.

Point: The point, or hook, is the part that ultimately pierces the mouth of a fish.Throat: Located between the bend and the point, the throat is usually straight and leads to the point.The greater the bend, the easier it is to hook the fish.