#Sketchup mirror plugin install#
i’ve replaced one of the machines and uninstalled sketchup but i can not install the plugin on the new machine with the warehouse manager reporting a license limit exceeded. The other two files are needed on a PC to do the roll-up of the Outliner. i bought the s4u mirror plugin for sketchup a while a go and installed it on the computers i use for modelling. Note that MAC users only need the Mirror.rb and MI.png files having the other two files does no harm, but neither does it do anything good either. View the text File Uploaded to visit the Sketchup support link for Mirror Help and to Visit the Site to download the Mirror Plugin. Extract the two/four files from the zip file and put them ALL into.

Then you will need to pick the 3 points that define the mirror plane, and at the end you will have te option to choose to either keep or erase the source object. To use the plugin (after saving it to your plugins folder) select the object you want to mirror and go to Plugins -> Mirror Selection. This plugin is very easy to use and allows us to select the mirror plane and also to choose if we want to keep the original object or delete it after the mirror operation. The third method is to use the Mirror.rb Plugin. Again, we can´t control the mirror plane, it has to be the plane defined by the faces of the bounding box of the object Select one of the grips (using the grips on the center of the faces of the object's bounding box is the best way to go) and type "-1" as the scale value on the Value Control Box (VCB). The mirror plane has to be one of the planes defined by the center of the object. In this video, learn 4 different ways to mirror and flip different objects in your SketchUp modelsWant to Support the SketchUp Essentials.

The downfall is that you can`t select the mirror plane. We can select the object we want to mirror, right click on it and select "Flip Along:" This will give us the chance to select which plane (red, green or blue) of the object to use as a mirror plane. Two of them can be done with the standard SketchUp installation, the third one which is preffered method requires a Plugin. Mirror isn`t a standard tool in SketchUp, but there are several ways to Mirror objects using different methods.