rename - rename is for using a try to rename the file as a test if we can get exclusive read-lock. This approach should be avoided when accessing a remote file system via a mount/share unless that file system supports distributed file locks.
#Complete file renamer 3.0 windows
This option is not avail for Windows OS and the FTP component. The option readLockCheckInterval can be used to set the check frequency. Will at least use 1 sec to determine this, so this option cannot consume files as fast as the others, but can be more reliable as the JDK IO API cannot always determine whether a file is currently being used by another process. This option is not available for the FTP component - changed - Changed is using file length/modification timestamp to detect whether the file is currently being copied or not. This option provides the build in strategies: - none - No read lock is in use - markerFile - Camel creates a marker file (fileName.camelLock) and then holds a lock on it. Camel will wait until the file lock is granted. the file is not in-progress or being written). Used by consumer, to only poll the files if it has exclusive read-lock on the file (i.e. The producers support the CamelOverruleFileName header which takes precedence over any existing CamelFileName header the CamelOverruleFileName is a header that is used only once, and makes it easier as this avoids to temporary store CamelFileName and have to restore it afterwards. For the consumer, you can use it to filter filenames, so you can for instance consume today’s file using the File Language syntax: mydata-$\.txt. If the expression is an Expression type, the specified Expression type is used - this allows you, for instance, to use OGNL expressions. If the expression is a String type, it is always evaluated using the File Language. The expression options support both String and Expression types.

(Note: The header itself can also be an Expression). If an expression is set, it take precedence over the CamelFileName header. For producers, it’s used to evaluate the filename to write. For consumers, it’s used as a filename filter. Use Expression such as File Language to dynamically set the filename.